We can demonstrate the consumption of the nginx service via another deployed service. "NetworkID": "4pnw0biwjbns0bjg4ey6cepri", First, let’s see where the container has been scheduled (the -format config option and argument de-clutters the output): $ docker service ps -format 'table ' nginx | jq '.' We can see this by establishing which cluster node the single service replica has been scheduled on, and then inspecting the container. The container started for the single task associated with the service, and will be connected to the local bridge network of the Docker host running on the node in question. Verify: Waiting 1 seconds to verify that tasks are stable. Let’s do this using a service based on the Nginx web server: $ docker service create -detach=false -name nginx nbrown/nginxhelloġ/1: running When a service with a single replica is created in a Swarm Mode cluster, a task in the form of a container is scheduled on one of the cluster’s nodes. All commands are executed against the manager node, node-01, unless explicitly stated otherwise. The most straightforward configuration can be achieved by following the first tutorial.

How does a consumer service keep track of where to address its service requests?Īll of these questions regarding internal service provision and consumption apply equally well to external consumers of a service running on a cluster. If a service needs to consume another service running within the cluster, how does it know where to find it? Services can be scaled, so how does a consumer service know which of the containers, that make up the providing service, to address in order to consume the service? If we’ve scaled a service, how do we ensure that service requests are balanced optimally across the service’s containers? Containers are ephemeral, coming and going all the time. It’s central to our ability to consume services effectively.Īs we learnt in the previous article in this series, we entrust the platform’s scheduling capability to distribute our services across the cluster’s nodes. When we deploy microservices as containers across a compute cluster such as a Docker Swarm cluster, it’s critical that we have a means of service discovery to call upon.

This tutorial explores the topic of service consumption, both from within and externally to a Swarm cluster.
#Docker inspect format networks how to#
The first tutorial covered how to bootstrap a Docker Swarm Mode cluster, and the second tutorial covered how to schedule workloads across a Swarm cluster.
#Docker inspect format networks series#
This tutorial is the third in our series on container orchestration with Docker Swarm.